STANDARD TUNE UPIdeal for well running machines
179.99plus tax
Oil Change
New Spark Plug
Lubricate Hex Shaft
Lubricate Gears
Lubricate all moving parts
Grease all fittings
Inspect throttle / choke
Inspect all belts
Inspect cables
Inspect bushings
Inspect bearings
Inspect pulleys
Tire pressure
Compression check
Tighten bolts
Shop Supply Fee
PREMIUM TUNE UPIdeal for no starts or running poorly
$229.99plus tax
Oil Change
New Spark Plug
Lubricate Hex Shaft
Lubricate Gears
Lubricate all moving parts
Grease all fittings
Inspect throttle / choke
Inspect all belts
Inspect cables
Inspect bushings
Inspect bearings
Inspect pulleys
Tire pressure
Compression check
Tighten bolts
Shop Supply Fee
SUMMERIZE YOUR MACHINESStore your machine with confidence
from129.99plus tax
Drain and flush fuel tank
Drain and flush carburetor
from50plus tax
Diagnose and repair common drive issues
Repair flat tire
Repair recoil
Drill out seized shear pin
Drain and flush fuel tank / lines